'Lockdown Letters & Other Poems' Reviewed in Café Review, Portland, Maine

Thanks to the Café Review in Portland, Maine, and respected critic Carl Little for a favorable review of my Lockdown Letters & Other Poems (Loom Press, 2020) in the recent issue. A couple of the European travel poems in the collection first appeared in Café Review, double thanks to the editors. I am grateful because reviews are hard to get in the independent, small-press sector. Carl got the sense of the book as well as anyone might. (This is not a complaint, but please note that there’s a tiny typo in the section about the surfer poem mentioned by Carl. It should read “surfers do the surfer trot …” Also, he mentions that the surfer poem is printed smaller than the rest of the book. That’s because I wanted to keep the long lines as is and not have the lines wrap around in some cases. The long lines in pairs are meant to mimic the waves rolling in.)

Read the review here.